Making Public Interest a tangible reality for all.
/Brand identity
/Brand design
/Web design
/Purpose activation
the quest
The PIOB (Public Interest Oversight Board) is an independent global entity that oversees and harmonizes the quality of audit work across countries to ensure international markets operate under shared codes and address issues like fraud. They felt that their logo and graphic identity had become outdated, but our research revealed much more.
Immersed in their daily hard work, they were overlooking major challenges:
- Lack of awareness and unclear definition of its role.
- Lack of engagement from auditing firms.
- Difficulty attracting talent.
- Professionals do not always apply its voluntary compliance regulations.
- Lack of purpose.
the revealed
Every process starts by defining objectives. Sometimes clients have clear goals; other times, they are only suggested. Rarely, however, is the potential impact of rebranding fully measured from the beginning.
As we delved deeper into understanding PIOB's work, it became clear that this task would take on an unexpected dimension and have far-reaching consequences as we connected its relationship ecosystem with the organization's purpose.
The Brand Purpose was embedded in the organization's name: Public Interest Oversight Board. Their highly technical work, shaped by complex negotiations and international agreements, was being conducted without engaging the public, the true beneficiaries. This made it essential to discuss Public Interest: What does it mean? What role does PIOB play? Is clearer, more human communication the key to Public Interest? It became crucial to emphasize PIOB’s role through a tagline to guide members as agents of change, bridging their technical work with the public: Enhancing Public Interest.
the Brave Brand
The PIOB's Director of Communications, Rocío Goudie, had the courage to enthusiastically embrace the bold vision we were presenting. Even more challenging, she took on the task of defending it internally, fully aware of how difficult it would be for an organization entirely focused on its technical outcomes to understand and implement it.
Brand identity
The challenges identified at the beginning of the process needed to be addressed from a common brand identity foundation, but with individualized approaches. This led to the development of a brand architecture that was diverse yet cohesive, all centered around the Public Interest and the core PIOB brand. These secondary brands, which had not previously been given the attention they deserved, had the potential to positively impact the various engagement issues the PIOB was facing.
Behind the logo
Crafting the new PIOB logo from its previous brand image involved a radical "evolutionary" exercise. Key meanings were preserved and even amplified through the maximum simplification of its elements. The former icon of the Planet Earth was distilled into the "O," emphasizing the Oversight role the organization plays on a global scale, both eastward and westward. The result was a contemporary identity that stands out distinctly within the finance and audit sector—a versatile and human approach that opens new paths for the organization without losing the seriousness required for the critical work they do.
It also opened doors for internal teams and their specific goals, who felt supported, valued and heard, through the creation of a brand ecosystem that makes their work more appealing (essential for talent acquisition, for instance) and exponentially increased the perceived value of their work and of themselves as professionals, compared to the original materials.
Brand activation
Web design
The arduous task of producing highly sophisticated documents by the PIOB has a key focus: their availability and easy access for anyone interested in consulting them. Therefore, we’re talking about the organization's essential need for a document repository with seamless usability. That’s why we focused on a usability that simplified the search, making it more rewarding for the client’s team, as it now had to align, for the first time, with the brand's purpose.
Total transparency and an optimal UX, yes, but without losing sight of the reasons these documents were developed and the people who made them possible. Always keeping the Public Interest in mind.

Purpose activation
From the organization’s need for renewed energy, an idea emerged—one with the potential to move PIOB significantly closer to the purpose it serves. We proposed they become the center of meaningful conversations on the critical issues PIOB addresses, bridging the gap between current realities and their aspirations. This initiative, *MIND THE GAP*, is a digital series with each chapter exploring a different "GAP," such as sustainability, legislation, and opportunity.
To learn more about how PIOB is bringing its purpose to life, click here for the *MIND THE GAP* case study.
Rocio | Communication Director
“ Pending clients' review. ”
The results
PIOB has shifted from near invisibility to a key player, gaining recognition from shareholders and major institutions in the sector.
Increased perception of PIOB’s leadership has led to more website visits and document downloads.
The Public Interest is strengthened daily by a team motivated to make its purpose a reality, inspired by their new visibility.
PIOB's LinkedIn followers have grown tenfold since the new brand launch.
The SSB Nominations campaign is now an annual milestone, attracting high-profile CVs at an unprecedented rate.