The boxing gym born to change your body becomes a foundation to change the world.
/Brand identity
/Brand design
/Launch campaign
/App design
the quest
Brooklyn Fitboxing arrived to shift the mindset about suffering for effective training, offering a method that captivates everyone who tries it. By blending music, technology, contactless boxing, and gamification, it keeps motivation at its peak. However, as copycat gyms started to emerge, the creators sought that elusive 'something else' to make the brand truly inimitable. Our mission was to address these threats by getting to the root of the product and the business model itself.
the revealed
The brand's truth became clear when we experienced the product ourselves: it was essential to take the extraordinary energy from its sessions beyond the gym. While the training method was fun and effective, deeper differentiation was necessary. The strategy revealed that the key to creating connections between humans through boxing was having common enemies.
We proposed a lasting challenge: using strength against real-world threats. Hunger, illiteracy, disease... each punch a bag receives is turned into funding for NGOs like Save the Children and UNICEF, with fitboxers deciding where their energy goes. The brand now showcases not just physical transformation, but world-changing impact.
the Brave Brand
Innovating in a market saturated with numerous proposals is a sign of being brave, but having the will to stay ahead without resting on one's laurels is something exceptional. Some business leaders, like Juan Pablo Nebrera, believe so deeply in their mission that they have the courage to support it with effort and resources—not just once, but as many times as necessary, adapting as the world changes.
Brand identity
Under the umbrella of a brand ID specifically created 'Fun improves everything,' a new brand was born—optimistic and engaging. Naturally, it remained fully coherent with the parent brand, with which it would coexist across most platforms, but with a rebellious touch, more focused on the digital and participatory world. When an initiative as real and meaningful as this one is launched, there’s no need to spend money on models for the shoot. All the fitboxers wanted to collaborate in making it a reality without asking for anything in return.
Kicks against hunger, punches to destroy measles... the name of this philosophy emerged from the very essence of the idea, almost literally: Hit4Change.
To change what? Your body, your day… the entire world.
As a curiosity, there were internal discussions about renaming the entire chain to Hit4Change, but it didn’t happen due to the high financial cost of rebranding all the locations.

Behind the logo
The wraps that protect fitboxers' hands inside the gloves now take center stage in the logo, inspiring its distinctive number 4, so powerful it breaks the typography, claiming its own space. A 'rebel with a cause' logo, carefully designed to find its natural place alongside the Brooklyn Fitboxing brand with full coherence.

Brand activation
Launch campaign
With Fun Improves Everything, Brooklyn Fitboxing could have settled for a good commercial slogan, but the phrase became a literal reality. Through Hit4Change, all fitboxers were given the chance to be part of a community united by enjoyment, truly feeling part of the brand. So much so that the first action for the Hit4Change launch was a party-shooting, where many volunteers personally got involved to ensure the initiative and their favorite gym succeeded. This shoot produced many pieces, with wonderful effects in terms of loyalty and acquisition.
See brand video see purpose book
Pablo Nebrera | CEO
“ Pending clients' review. ”

The results
Hit4Change transformed the brand purpose into the business model itself.
The brand now dedicates 1% of its profits to charity projects on a permanent basis.
100% of franchisees embraced the initiative with enthusiasm and full support.
The number of centers has doubled, and the network has become fully international.
Customer churn has significantly decreased since the initiative was implemented.